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About the Brand

The Company - Sun Art


“To be, or not to be, that is the question.”  It is a question of Hamlet, but certainly not mine.


My question would always be: “what is art? how can we understand it and show its value to the world?”


For me, the world of art is all about imagination, creativity, diversity and beauty, and thus a world of infinity. It is the greatest asset of civilizations, touching us and inspiring us at the same time.  It might be the reflection of history, the evolution of aesthetics, the interpretation of nature, the creation of dream, the expression of sensibility... Most important of all, the embodiment of soul.      


The art world is so fascinating that I decided to create this brand to promote it. Sun Art is an on-line gallery where we showcase and promote the works of selected artists and help the public understand the diverse beauty of art in different ways.


I picked the name “Sun” because its English pronunciation actually sounds similar to the Chinese word for “good/kindness” which is the name of my grandfather. He was a generous giving man when he was alive and I want to continue his legacy.  “Good/kindness” is also part of my Buddhist Master’s name ~ Lee Sun-Don; who has shown me the infinite possibilities of combining art and charity as a creative artist.  For me, good art should be like the sun. It keeps us alive and going.


Although art is often considered a speculative business in the market and many people are just looking at art’s monetary value instead of its real value, I hope we can all go back to the essence of art – trueness, kindness and beauty. It would be great if we can try to understand the inner world of artists as they are quite lonely in the process of creating and long for the world’s understanding of their thinking, feelings and sense of beauty.


Art should be pure. It should be so pure that when we look at it, it simply takes our breath away and we cannot help saying: it is so beautiful!


Having worked in the cultural creative industry and volunteered at Art Revolution Taipei (one of Taiwan’s biggest art fairs) as a VIP guide for so many years, I always enjoyed the moment when I saw the smiles of collectors. Owning a piece of art that you love is certainly something to be happy about.   


I truly believe that art can create wonderful and eternal values for mankind. It can widen our vision, enrich our lives, decorate space, or become unique gifts and even heirlooms. I want to share with you how good art touches my heart and how fun art collection can be!


The artists with whom we have worked come from different backgrounds. Some of them are award-winning; and some are emerging artists. Through their works I see their efforts, talents, techniques, life philosophy, unique sense of beauty and life stories.    


I do hope that the art we are promoting is like the sun that can shine on the world, giving people warmth and hopes. It should be like the blooming lotus that can touch people’s hearts, help us return to our origin and reflect upon the meaning of life. It should portray the natural beauty, express the love for humanity and deliver the value of good and positive energy. Its wonderful creativity should lead people to an incredible world of beauty. 


Our goal is to serve as a bridge between the artists and the people, and to make the artists shine as stars on the world stage. 


I believe that art can do more for the world. For this reason, we plan to donate partial proceeds to charity organizations whenever we make a sale. We also plan to work with artists from disadvantaged minority, hoping to give them more opportunities.


When art can do good, it is true beauty.  


Your purchase and support will help us continue our mission.


If you need our recommendation or are interested in any artwork on this website, please contact us. We will help you find or get your ideal artwork!


Please joins us for an adventure in the world of art!


Sara Huang, Founder of Sun Art